

people worldwide lack proper access to water



people worldwide lack proper access to water


the problem

663 million people lack access to an improved drinking water source, the vast majority (84%) living in rural areas in Sub-Saharan Africa as well as south-east Asia and India.

The burden of collecting water disproportionately affects women and children, limiting their access to education and their ability to contribute to their family subsistence, as several trips per day are usually needed.


we believe

watt-r can help

we believe

watt-r can help

watt-r is an ultra low-cost solar vehicle to provide transportation, energy (and much more) to the bottom 663 million.

watt-r helps the community at many levels: 

1. Efficient water distribution in a harsh climate and terrain. One operator instead of 25 walkers.

2. Clean, low cost electricity generation. Phones, lamps, power tools, can all be charged when idle.

3. Transportation. Water is first, but crops, medicines and many other types of cargo can be safely delivered.

Energy, water and transportation will facilitate trade & entrepreneurship, leading to economic growth (only proven way to eliminate poverty). Gas, oil, coal, hydro, and a variety of other energy resources are all available, with the only difference being whether they are renewable or non-renewable. Some energy products, such as oil and solid fuels, that can be easily stored, are classified as goods, which merchants embrace because it allows them to store and sell when prices rise, resulting in significant cost savings. Oil trading is more profitable than trading other commodities. Visit https://www.etf-nachrichten.de/autotrading/oel-profit/ for more information about how to get started with oil trading using Öl Profit, an automated trading platform.






We have more than 40 years combined experience working in product and service design, marketing, communication and PR, information technology, automotive, electric vehicles, water, poverty reduction and international development.

We have both founded companies and also worked in large corporates.


Ready to put your talent, drive and determination to good use for a great cause.

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